14 Innovative Israeli startups have been selected for the new cohort:

  • Seismic AI
    A machine-learning seismic algorithm used for the early detection of earthquakes
  • Greeneye Technology:
    Reduce chemical usage while increasing productivity and profitability for farmers.
  • Octopus.Health:
    A Healthcare Personal Assistant that supports millions of patients, and tailors a personalized proactive healthcare plan for each patient based on advanced machine learning algorithms.
  • Materials Zone:
    A platform combines computational, experimental, and data tools to create a huge research network based on data where researchers can trade knowledge, samples, and services to innovate faster.
  • RightHear:
    Advanced spatial orientation solution for people who are blind or visually impaired.​
  • Rural Senses
    Information on the exact needs of local communities and the actual impact of various projects.
  • MoodKnight by 4Girls
    An AI and machine learning-based platform for detecting mental distress and suicidal tendencies in digital content.
  • MDI Health Technologies Ltd.
    “Possible risks and side effects of drug treatments.”
  • Utilis Corp.
    A satellite-based leak detection product to utilities;
  • Equalweb:
    Helping people with disabilities to access digital information;
  • Lipifai
    Helping deaf and hard-of-hearing people communicate with their surroundings in noisy environments.;
  • RayCatch Ltd.,
    Diagnostics and optimization software for the solar energy market;
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